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Manufacturer – Maxtreme Pharma

Release form – 100 tablets at 10 mg

Active ingredient – Oxandrolone (Anavar)

All athletes, even the most experienced ones, sometimes need additional support while gaining muscle mass or creating high-quality definition. Today, sports drugs are developing very quickly, allowing athletes to achieve great results in a short time.

Anabolic steroids are used to make the effect of training faster. One of the best quality products is Oxa-Max from the pharmaceutical company Maxtreme Pharma. With its help, it is possible to quickly gain muscle mass and make strength training more effective. Its advantage is that it is completely safe and can be used by both men and women. A negative effect on the body is excluded.

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What are the qualities of Oxa-Max?

Oxa-Max is classed as an advanced testosterone. The hormone responsible for muscle strength and endurance. In tablets, it is used in both sports and medicine. With its help, diseases caused by a deficiency of the male hormone in the body are treated.

Oxandrolone has a strong anabolic and slight androgenic effect on the body. It is most popular among athletes, runners and cyclists, for who’s endurance and quick recovery from physical activity are important.

The main positive qualities of the drug are:

Recovery of the nervous system;

Increased strength and power indicators;

Maintaining the condition of the muscle fibers;

Increased recovery times between workouts;

Increased physical endurance and prolonged workouts;

Improved blood circulation;

Increased immunity.

This set of positive effects allows the drug to be used in almost all areas of sports and training.

Oxandrolone does not promote fluid retention and accumulation in the body. This compares favorably with other anabolic drugs. It also helps muscle mass to increase without any added health risks.

Possible side effects

The likelihood of negative effects occurring is very small. However, the steroid has its own contraindications and side effects. Here’s what can be observed in the case of violation of dosages or the duration of the course:

  • Gynecomastia;
  • Insomnia;
  • Decrease in the natural production of testosterone;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • The appearance of blackheads on the back and face;
  • Toxic effects on the liver;
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • When taking the drug, you should strictly follow the instructions and recommendations for its use. In case of side effects, you should immediately consult with a sports specialist or professional trainer.